There have been a dozen articles outlining when security is needed on a construction site mainly revolving around safety, cost, and project delays.

And these concerns just mention the traditional construction process. But with design and construction undergoing a rare period of innovation other concerns emerge under what we call the Construction 2.0 Era.

Review: Construction 1.0 Security Threats

“Scrapers” and Stolen Goods

Unsecured sites are an easy profit for thieves. According to the National Equipment Register (NER), large equipment theft is more common than you probably thought. In their annual theft report, they stated between 300 million to 1 billion dollars worth of equipment is stolen every year.

I was skeptical too, it seems unlikely someone drove away industrial towers or a bulldozer and nobody noticed. But the report broke down the most common stolen equipment and Mowers, Tractors, and Loaders made up 72% with the bigger equipment really only made up 10%.

But most of the thefts are small-time material break-ins, especially for wiring or expensive tools. Where a few bags full of bricks or a trunk of 2x4s are lifted in the night. Unfortunately, the costs of the materials aren’t the big problem, the project halts and the cost of downtime are.

Downtime Project Stalls due to Squatters, Thefts, and Vandalism

Construction project costs are generally in the multi-million dollar range and a day’s delay can be more costly than the extra salary paid.

Delays can result in things like:

  • Fees for extending the site duration and associated insurance costs
  • Equipment costs: rent or opportunity cost for another project
  • Project orders being switched causing bottlenecks down the line and idle machinery or manpower

The damage incurred is generally done after working hours, with thieves coming prepared for cameras in dark clothing and masks.

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Yet, one of the biggest drawbacks is not usually mentioned though and that is the reputation of the construction.

The Firm’s Reputation and Goodwill

Construction can be an eyesore, a burden on the local economy as traffic is rerouted, and a public nuisance. There’s even the joke: there are two seasons, winter and construction that sum up the public’s sentiment with big empty lots that make noise through the day and take years to build.

Some sites are efficient and the public doesn’t even notice, but the ones that take months of inconsistent delayed work are the ones that the public detests.

If your site is associated with these uncoordinated builds it can come back to your future prospects for new sites too.

On-site security keeps your site on track and coordinated so sites don’t have to just hope nothing goes wrong, they can avoid it.

Construction 2.0

Design firms and engineers are increasingly adopting new technologies such as VR (virtual reality) and AR (augmented reality) solutions along with CAD (computer-aided design) and BIM (Building Information Modelling to create faster approval and construction processes.

An integrated cloud-based 3D VR solution and 2D digital twin model lets the scattered teams of contractors, inspectors, designers, and clients change and approve the designs to streamline the physical construction process so the lengthy builds are minimized.

Delays, costly reworks, and inefficiencies are the biggest issues the technology tackles. But because of these new technologies, new methods of messing up the project site are possible.

For example, companies such as AltitudeXR use LIDAR scanning and 360-degree cameras to render their 3D model. Trespassers used to only affect the physical site but now a few teenagers messing around could affect the coordination between the digital plan and real progress which decreases the effectiveness of new technology.

Security is still going to be an integral part of construction and as costs of rework and delays increase with larger and more complex projects immediate guard response is what can prevent the work stoppages before they happen.

For affordable and responsive security. Message us today.